For those who belong among botanicals
The Kew Guild is a hub for people who support and cherish the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew and Wakehurst.

Become a member of The Kew Guild
Our members form a global network of horticulturists and scientists, made up of staff and students past and present as well as those with an affiliation and affection for Kew.
Benefits of being a member of the Kew Guild
Click here to discover what your membership offers
There is a happy blend of experience and enthusiasm within the Guild, and we welcome those looking to further their own knowledge alongside those who can help advance the knowledge of others. It is a place that respects the legacy that generations of horticulturists and scientists have laid down over time, while also encouraging members push at the frontiers of horticulture, botany and mycology.
What it means to be a member
Stay up to date
Guild members are the first to hear about forthcoming courses as well as updates on the horticultural activities being undertaken by staff and students across the world. Every year, you will receive your copy of the Journal, an unbroken record of Kew and the Guild that has been published annually since 1893.
Support the Kew Community
As a member, you play a valuable role in supporting our awards and bursaries and sustaining our educational activities. This work is integral to the Guild. It enables us to help the passionate horticulturists within our community advance their own knowledge, it expands our collective understanding of the botanical world, and it ensures we are encouraging the sector’s next generation of new talent. In the last year alone, the charitable support of Guild members has benefited more than 200 individuals.
Get together at Events
Opportunities to get together with fellow members of the Guild are plentiful and provide chances to meet with like-minded people on common ground. As well as regular trips to horticultural hotspots across the UK, the schedule of member activities also includes our flagship event, the Annual Dinner, held here at Kew.
Save with Discounts
As a member of the Guild, every year you receive an individual pass to access the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew free of charge. Members also benefit from discounts on food, drink and retail outlets at Kew and a number of other special offers and savings.
Haven't heard from us in a while?
Are your details up to date?
We are currently working through our database and contacting all members whose membership is out of date/lapsed/expired.
Have you told us you have left Kew and are no longer a student?
Have you updated your email address and/or postal address?
Contact our Membership Secretary, Sara
If you have any queries or questions, Sara would be pleased to help.
Transfer your subscription to direct debit
If you are still paying your subscription by standing order, it is likely your membership is out of date and has lapsed. Please would you cancel your Standing Order in favour of a Direct Debit.
Please click on the link below:
For full members:
£30 per year on 1st January, starting in 2025
For student members:
£15 per year on 1st January, starting in 2025
Membership categories
Full Membership
Subscription fees: £30 per year; current RBG Kew student/apprentice £15.
Applications are welcome from:
- Current students studying at RBG Kew for a minimum of one year, leading to a diploma, degree, certificate or other qualification;
- Past students and past/present staff members of RBG Kew and RBG Kew Enterprises, members of the Kew Foundation, internal trainees, research associates, liaison scientists and volunteers;
- Individuals previously granted Honorary Membership (see below);
- Individuals who work, have worked or otherwise have a real interest in the fields of horticulture, botanical and mycological sciences and support the ethical values of the RBG Kew.
Full members have voting rights and receive a copy of the Journal as part of their membership.
Associate Member
No subscription fees.
Applications are welcome from:
- Horticultural or scientific bodies, institutions or organisations.
Associate members do not have voting rights and are free to purchase a copy of the Journal as part of their membership.
Affiliate Member
No subscription fees.
Affiliate memberships are for a one year period. Applications are welcome from:
- RBG Kew students, volunteers and staff.
Affiliate members are entitled to a year's free membership and one journal during their affiliate membership. The Affiliate membership programme is promoted during your induction day.
How to join
To apply for full membership of The Kew Guild, complete the application form, which can be accessed by clicking here.
To apply for affiliate membership, complete the application form by clicking here.
Completed forms can be sent by email to or you can send a completed form by post to the Membership Secretary, The Kew Guild, c/o Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AE, UK.
If you would like any further information about membership, please just contact our Membership Secretary by email at
Become Part of The Kew Guild
Join us & belong to a network of horticulturists, botanists and mycologists with a wide range of professional experience, offering mentoring, advice and support.